Hotbit - Overview and Comparison Hotbit with other staking providers - Drops Earn


As of October 14, 2019, the Hotbit platform has a total of 547 trading pairs on coinmarketcap, and the listed currency ranks third among all exchanges. At present, the whole site supports 6 languages ​​such as Chinese, English, Russian, Korean, Thai, and Turkish. It has more than 170 countries and regions from around the world, with 540,000 registered users, 90% of which are overseas users (outside of China). We firmly believe that Decentralized digital assets will essentially reshape the global financial system, bringing us more efficient asset circulation, fairer resource allocation and more transparent transaction processes. Distributed ledgers and smart contract technologies are the building of human trust The foundation, eliminating transaction barriers and improving transaction efficiency have a significant impact on human real economy. The Hotbit team upholds the concept of decentralized management and is committed to making Hotbit an Amazon in the blockchain market.