TRON (TRX) Staking - All information about TRON staking - DropsEarn


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Super Representative

In TRON network, any account can apply to become a super representative candidate. Every account can vote for super representative candidates or super partner. The top 27 candidates with the most votes are the super representatives. The 28th to 127th are super partners. Super representatives will be obligated to generate blocks and package transactions, as well as corresponding voting rewards and block rewards,and have the right to participate in the voting of TRON network parameters proposals.The 100 super partners can be awarded according to their voting rate.


TRON Power (TP) is needed to vote and the amount of TP depends on the voter’s frozen assets(TRX).

TP is calculated in the following way: 1 TP for 1 frozen TRX.

Every account in the TRON network has the right to vote for SRs candidates.

After the release(unfreeze), you don't have any frozen assets and lose all TP accordingly. As a result, all votes become invalid for the ongoing and future voting round unless to freeze again to vote.

Note that the TRON network only records your most recent vote, which means that every new vote will negate all previous votes.
The ranking is based on the candidates' votes. The top 27 are called super representatives, 28-127 are super partners, and 128 or less are super representative candidates.The votes will be counted every 6 hours, so super representatives and super partners may also change every 6 hours.
To prevent vicious attack, TRON network burns 9999 TRX from the account that applies to become a super representative candidate.


  1. Candidate Reward(Vote Reward): 127 individuals updated once every 6 hours will share 1,152,000 TRX. The reward will be split in accordance to the votes each candidate receives. Total reward for candidates will be 1,681,920,000 TRX each year.
  2. Super Representative Reward(Block Reward): The TRON Protocol network will generate one block every 3 seconds, with each block awarding 16 TRX to Super Representatives. A total of 168,192,000 TRX will be awarded annually to 27 Super Representatives.
  3. There will be no inflation on the TRON network before January 1, 2021, and the TRON Foundation will award all block rewards and candidate rewards prior to that date.

Each time a Super Representative finishes block production, rewards are sent to the sub-account in the superledger. Super Representatives can check, but not directly make use of this asset. A withdrawal can be made once every 24 hours, transferring the reward from the sub-account to the Super Representative’s account.

Rewards Calculation

Total Rewards = Vote Reward x brokerage ratio+ Block Reward x brokerage ratio

Super representative brokerage

The default ratio is 20%, which can be modified by the super representative, that is, the super representative will get 20% of the reward, and the other 80% will be awarded to the voters. If the brokerage ratio is set to 100%, the rewards are all obtained by the super representative; if set to 0, the rewards are all sent to the voters.

Vote Rewards

  • Vote rewards are 160 TRX every block, with a block generated every 3 seconds1, and 20 blocks per minute.
  • Voting statistics counted every 6 hours, with SRs changing based on vote results.
  • For all 127 SR individuals, the vote rewards per day are calculated as follows:
    160 (TRX/block) x 7200 (blocks/election) x 4 (elections/day) = 4,608,000 (TRX/day)2.
  • For each candidate, the daily Vote Rewards = 4,608,000 x (# votes / # total votes) x 20%

1It may take slightly longer than 3 seconds due to machine speed and network jitter.
2Reward may be less than the theoretical number due to missed blocks.

Block Rewards

  • Block rewards are 16 TRX every block, and SRs create blocks one by one.
  • Block rewards per day:
    16 (TRX/block) x_7200 (blocks/election) _x 4 (elections/day) = 460,800 (TRX/Day)
    For each super representative, the daily Block Rewards = 460,800/27 x 20%

Voter Rewards

  • Calculated by default super representative or super partner brokerage ratio means that 80% of the rewards are distributed to his voters, and each vote corresponds to a reward of 6 hours = 80% x 7200 (block/election) x 160 /total votes + 80% x 7200 (blocks/election) x 16 / 27 / sr votes). 'Total votes' is the total number of votes for the entire network, and 'SR votes' is the number of votes the super partner receives. Therefore, each voter needs to know the super representative or super partner brokerage ratio, total votes and sr votes to calculate the reward, this data will also be open to everyone.


How to become a Candidate

How to vote TRON


TRON is a blockchain-based, open-source protocol for the global digital entertainment industry. TRON supports various kinds of blockchain networks and smart contract systems, including bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS, Qtum, and other public blockchain smart contracts, provides developers with multiprotocol infrastructure for entertainment app development, and allows users to enjoy smooth multiprotocol smart networks.

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