Pinkcoin (PINK) Staking - All information about Pinkcoin staking - DropsEarn

Pinkcoin PINK

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Compound Reward






Adjusted Reward


Adjusted Compound Reward


Total Staked


Lock-Up Period

365 days

Market Cap


What Is Pinkcoin?

Pinkcoin is a blockchain-based digital asset designed to support Charities and Non-Profit organizations, and encourage community participation.

Pinkcoin is a community and donation driven, altruistically inspired crypto-currency. It is also about rewarding its users using state of the art staking technologies unique to PinkCoin, such as flash-stakes and side-staking.

Pinkcoin’s blockchain is secured by it’s dual PoS + FPoS system.

MacOS Quick Start

Quick Start on getting your wallet ready to interact with the Pinkcoin blockchain.


Before we get started we need a few things; the prerequisites for this quick start are:

Download Pinkcoin Wallet

Step 1: Running the Wallet

Click the .dmg file to start your Pinkcoin wallet.

Step 2: Syncing the Blockchain

Whenever you deposit some Pinkcoin to your wallet it needs to be synchronized. If your wallet is out of sync the coins will be there but you won't be able to see them or interact with them until your wallet is fully synced.

You can send coins to an unsynchronized wallet, but the coins won't show up until you pass the block your transaction was in.

Synchronizing can take a long time depending on your connection speed and the amount of connections your wallet has. However you can speed it up through a bootstrap, if you are interested in bootstrapping follow the guide below:


Staking Pools:


Pinkcoin offers a secure and trustless network to disrupt the non-transparent charity model.

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