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How do I stake $OXEN?
Running an Oxen Service Node is the perfect way to get involved with Oxen powerful privacy network while earning big rewards.
Staking made easy
Staking $OXEN is as fast and simple as possible. If you’d rather not deal with the hassle of running a server yourself, you can stake to a shared service node, saving you the hassle of setting up nodes, all while contributing to the security of the Oxen network — and getting rewarded for it.
You can stake into a shared service node directly from the wallet, without ever needing to touch a command line.
Staking to a shared Oxen Service Node Guide
This guide explains how to stake via the Oxen GUI Wallet. The latest version of the wallet can be downloaded here.
Please keep in mind, one can only stake via an open pool with the GUI wallet.
- Open the Oxen GUI Wallet, enter your password, and let it fully sync to the latest blockheight.
- Click on the
button. - On this step you will need to enter the service node public key obtained from the node operator (or OxenBlocks) and the amount of Oxen you are contributing to the node.
- Once that is filled out, simply hit the
Please note, if you receive an error at this step you will need to click the SWEEP ALL
before you can stake from your wallet.
Congratulations, you're now staked!
Contribute to a service node
Simply open up your wallet, navigate to the Service Nodes tab, enter the public key of the service node you’re contributing to, and the amount of $OXEN you’re staking.
Click that magic Stake button, and you’re all done. It’s that easy. Watch a glistening stream of token rewards start flowing into your Oxen wallet.
If you need to find a shared service node to contribute to, simply head over to the Oxen block explorer and take a look at the Service Nodes Awaiting Contributions section.
Shared staking amounts
When you’re contributing to a service node, there are a few rules around what your contribution can be. One service node requires a total stake of 15,000 $OXEN, and there can never be more than 4 contributors to one service node.
All this means the minimum contribution to a service node is the remaining staking requirement divided by the number of allowed contributors remaining.
For example, if there was an open service node pool with two people contributing 10,000 $OXEN, the minimum contribution you could make would be 2,500 $OXEN, and the maximum would be 5,000 $OXEN.
Running your own service node
But wait, what if you’re a power user who wants a whole service node all to yourself? You can do that. The power is in your hands.
The process for running your own service node is a fair bit more complicated — but it comes with even bigger rewards.
Check out our Full service node setup guide for more info on how to become a standalone service node operator and reap the full benefits of staking. You can even let others stake into your node and earn an operator fee from them in return!
Oxen is many things. A private cryptocurrency. A secure messaging platform. A network anonymity layer. Tools to build a more private future for the Internet.