Tachyon Protocol IPX
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About Tachyon
Tachyon Network is a network consisting of thousands of decentralized node providers using Tachyon Protocol. Node providers provide traffic for users such as VPN users to get rewards based on their contributions.
How to Stake Tachyon (IPX)
We do recommend stacking Tachyon (IPX) on ipxus.com. It helps IPX holders to become Tachyon Node Providers and earn node incentives easily, without any technical skills required. The servers we offer are all from AWS, Google Cloud, DigitalOcean and other top cloud service providers.
How to join IPX node staking?
Ipxus.com helps IPX holders to become node operators and earn incentives, without any technical skills required.
Machine type is related to the Session Numbers and Session Rewards that Nodes can provide, which may affect the final return.
Node number is the number of nodes that you can stake.
Stake per node is related to the Staking amounts.
Days of staking is related to the activities launched by ipxus at that time. If we start the activity, the longer you choose, there will be more bonus rewards
- Sign in or sign up
- Submit IPX wallet address
Choose Staking Nodes:
Location is related to the Session Numbers, Session Price and Session Rewards that Nodes can provide, which may affect the final return. Machine type is related to the Session Numbers and Session Rewards that Nodes can provide, which may affect the final return. Node number is the number of nodes that you can stake. Stake per node is related to the Staking amounts. Days of staking is related to the activities launched by ipxus at that time. If we start the activity, the longer you choose, there will be more bonus rewards.
Check the estimated return of the configured node, click Confirm to place the order
Check reward details and your Staking Node, you can stop at any time
More instructions here: FAQ on Staking IPX on ipxus.com
Tachyon Protocol is what nodes and users in the Tachyon network speak to one another. It ensures that traffic moves from place to place privately, securely, and quickly. Based on Tachyon Protocol, the Next-Gen VPN, IoT, DeFi, Storage, CDN, DNS and other Apps will benefit 900 million users at least.