Fantom (FTM) Staking - All information about Fantom staking - DropsEarn

Fantom FTM

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How To Stake FTM

There are two options for earning passive income for holders of the token FTM. The first is to run a Validator Node. The second delegation of tokens to a Validator Node. For the average user, the best option is token delegation. Alternative - Running a Validator Node requires high level technical and special knowledge. 

Running a validator

A validator (or “Staker”) is an address that runs a node that participates in the consensus of Lachesis by validating event blocks.

Some important facts about running a validator

  • Minimum stake required at all times is 3,175, 000 FTM
  • When you request to withdraw your stake, you must first deactivate your validator (stop it from validating blocks)
  • Delegator can delegate at most 15 times the amount of tokens the validator has staked itself (for example, if the validator has staked 3,175, 000 FTM, then the maximum number of tokens that can be delegated to it is 3,175,000 FTM*15 = 47,625,000 FTM)
  • Withdrawing tokens from staking after deactivating your validator takes 7 days from when you initiate the request, to when you can actually withdraw


Delegating via the command line is a relatively complicated process involving the following eight steps. However, from 7 January 2020, delegators will be able to delegate in just a few clicks directly from Fantom’s desktop, web, and mobile wallets.

Some important facts about delegation:

  • Minimum stake of 1 FTM required
  • Currently you cannot increase your delegated stake. We are working on adding that functionality in future releases
  • You can only delegate to one validator at a time
  • Withdrawing tokens from a validator takes 7 days from when you initiate the request, to when you can actually withdraw


How To Stake FTM on Opera | Guide


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