Vertex Protocol Testnet - DropsEarn
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Vertex Protocol Testnet

Vertex Protocol Testnet

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Reward pool

Not set

equal in VRTX

Expected profit


equal in VRTX

Max participants

No limit

DropsEarn score


Normal, Low Risks


The Testnet will be rolled out in 2 phases. The goal of each phase is to iterate on user input and make sure things are working smoothly.

Phase 1 — Closed Testnet

  • Duration: 2–3 weeks
  • Product scope: Portfolio and trading pages with limited functionality
  • Availability: Only available to a set group of Alpha users through sign up 
  • Aims: Get detailed feedback and help prepare for the next phase

Phase 2 — Open Testnet

  • Duration: Minimum 1 month
  • Product scope: Addition of money markets page with almost all of the MVP functionality available
  • Availability: Open to anyone
  • Aims: Test the limits of the protocol and gather a broad range of feedback

Closed Group — Vertex Alpha Users

They are looking for DeFi users and traders from all backgrounds to join the Closed Testnet and corresponding Alpha Group.

As an Alpha user, you will be asked questions regarding aspects of UI/UX and expected to provide detailed feedback and suggestions. This will carry on during the Open Phase. You will also be added to a Telegram group with other Alpha Users where you can discuss ideas and have access to the core team easily.

Alpha users will be first adopters. You’ll help shape the early future of Vertex.

Apply to join the Alpha group.

Timeline and Roadmap Update

  • Closed Testnet: week of October 24th
  • Open Testnet: Early-mid November
  • Mainnet: by January 2023
  • Vertex NFT (TBA)

Between the key dates, team will host multiple community initiatives for you to get involved.



Testnet launches in 3 weeks.

Activity Type





from 24 Oct 2022 12:00(UTC+3)



When Reward:


Event Status

You can participate(Event started, Registration open)