Robonomics Parachain Testnet Incentive Program - DropsEarn
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Robonomics Parachain Testnet Incentive Program

Robonomics Parachain Testnet Incentive Program

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Reward pool

~ $130,000

5,000 XRT

Expected profit

from ~$130

from 5 XRT

Max participants

No limit

DropsEarn score


Normal, Low Risks



  • Technical writer from 5 to 50 XRT for each published instruction / useful article on the operation of the network provider, verified by the chat admin until mid-October 2020.
  • Network load tests using the Robonomics parachain functions datalog (), launch () - 50 - 250 XRT for a test performed with a load of 100,000+ txs. 100 - 500 XRT for a test carried out with a load of 1,000,000+ txs with at least 10 concurrent nodes.
  • Useful tool - 25 - 500 XRT for any bot useful for telegrams or riot / element, any published grafana setup.


The reward pool of 1000 XRT per month is distributed evenly across all nodes, which means that we do not restrict collator farms in any way if they meet the node requirements. Google form, staking contract and whitelist are canceled, you just specify the address in the telemetry name.

Requirements for nodes:

  • each node with an individual IP
  • uptime > 90%
  • full sync


Launch a robonomics collator with a full Ethereum address for reward as follows:
robonomics --validator --name "Alice | 0x7DFFAS8fb2AC5b6730729a972eF182326a287C4dC"

The first month starts from 21 August to 21 September 2020. The size of the reward pool for the second month, if Robonomics CC1 is not launched by the end of September, will be determined until September 15.

Please note that we have almost multiplied the maximum XRT reward for active members. So hopefully this will be an incentive to help us with documentation, tools and tests! New contests will be published throughout September. 

P.S.: do not lose your keys to the accounts you use. It may still be useful when Robonomics CC1 is launched


A month has passed since the start of the testnet incentive program. The first month helped form the provider community, and now they believe it is time to move on to the next stage of development, specifically the implementation of documentation, tools for providers, as well as making load tests on the network.

Activity Type







21 Aug 2020 12:00(UTC+3) - 21 Sep 2020 12:00(UTC+3)



When Reward:


Event Status

You can't participate(Event ended)