ResearchHub Reward Program
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Reward pool
Not set
Expected profit
1-5 RSC per action
Max participants
No limit
DropsEarn score
Normal, Low Risks
Program Details
What is RSC?
ResearchCoin is a cryptocurrency anyone can earn for sharing, curating, and discussing academic science within ResearchHub.
The number of RSC earned for any given action is proportional to how valuable the community perceives that action to be.
To capture that value, ResearchHub maintains a reputation (REP) score for every user. For every one point earned towards your REP score, you also receive one RSC. Total lifetime earnings of ResearchCoin is represented by a user’s reputation score.
How do I get RSC?
On ResearchHub, people earn RSC by:
- Sharing PDFs of research outputs ****
- Curating content via upvotes/downvotes
- Summarizing papers into plain-english
- Discussing literature
- Receiving RSC grants from other users ****
How is RSC used?
Supporting Content
A user can spend their RSC supporting a specific piece of content. When used in support of a paper a portion of the RSC is immediately “burned” (destroyed). Since there is a limited number of ResearchCoins, this makes everyone else’s coins a little more scarce
Voting Rights
For every RSC a community member holds, they are entitled to one vote in the ResearchHub DAO.
Some of the issues that the DAO will be responsible to govern:
- Altering the Code of Conduct
- Portion of RSC burned from content boosts
- Details of RSC supply and distributions
Research Funding
RSC provides a novel vehicle to fund academic research. Users with RSC can:
- Fund research proposals
- Tip valuable content
- Incentivize research outputs in specific fields science
Blockchain Details
ResearchCoin is an ERC20 token on the Ethereum blockchain. RSC can be transferred to any Ethereum wallet and is compatible with the existing Ethereum infrastructure.
Within Ethereum, transactions require something called Gas – a small fee to pay for the computation power required to make a transaction. ResearchHub will cover the Gas required to withdrawal RSC into your own Ethereum wallet.
Initially there will be one billion ResearchCoins in existence. Of this 80% will be retained by ResearchHub, and 20% will be allocated for distribution to the community.
Expectation is that in the future new allocations of RSC will be issued by the DAO to increase the percent owned by the community.
To help bring this nascent community together, ResearchHub created ResearchCoin. ResearchCoin (RSC) is a digital token that you can earn by contributing content to ResearchHub, whether this is a paper you find interesting, a plain English summary, or insightful discussion. ResearchHub team want to reward everyone who helps create value within ResearchHub. When you contribute quality content on the site, you are awarded with ResearchCoin. Coins are awarded from the general pool of available coins that were minted. See the section below on the amount you earn.