Orion Protocol Social Mining Program "ORION HUB"
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Reward pool
Not set
equal in ORN
Expected profit
equal in ORN
Max participants
No limit
DropsEarn score
Normal, Low Risks

Event details
Team have designed the platform in a way that will reward ORN holders for an array of activities, including:
- Content Creation (videos, blog posts, infographics, etc.)
- Content amplification (Twitter, 4chan, Reddit, Linkedin, etc.)
- Technical Development
- Design (graphic, web, interactive, etc.)
- Content translation into different languages
The ORION HUB is an innovative way for community members to further engage with project by taking part in a range of activities that help to support and develop Orion Protocol, while monetizing that engagement. In order to get started, all that’s needed is to create an account on the ORION HUB.
All social mining activities conducted via the ORION HUB are recorded and enable participants to earn ORN token rewards. New contributions and user involvement updates are aggregated into a news feed for other users, which helps to keep the community informed of all the latest developments.
Anyone in community can leverage their unique skillsets in order to spur the growth of Orion Protocol. This includes content creators, developers, marketers, designers, translators, yield farmers, and blockchain enthusiasts.
The Hub will also allow community members to vote on, like, and rank contributions and incorporates a reputation system that aims to acknowledge and reward productive account holders that make regular and valuable participation across the platform.
All social mining activities conducted via the ORION HUB are recorded and enable participants to earn ORN token rewards. New contributions and user involvement updates are aggregated into a news feed for other users, which helps to keep the community informed of all the latest developments.
The social mining program is live on the DAO Maker SaaS - currently used by Injective, Elrond, NEM, Avalanche, and a number of others.
ORION HUB Explained
To gain access:
- Users complete Level 1 KYC (name and address) and link social accounts
- Users can complete a survey to identify languages spoken and areas of expertise (design, writing, influence, videos) to help funnel them into specific groups
- Users must hold 50 ORN to enter (connect your wallet via MetaMask this can either be via an ERC20 wallet or staked via the LP)
Reading all task instructions and requirements is essential to be successful with Social Mining
To get started, it will be helpful for you to familiarize yourself with the platform
- Dashboard: this is your personal home page
- Task board: team’ll be adding new tasks here frequently
- Rewards: track your rewards here. Rewards paid out every fortnight
- Staking: track your staking earnings here
- Community board: explore other users’ activity here
- Digital library: all media created can be found here
Completing tasks:
- The tasks can be quick (sharing a tweet or link) or can require more input (creating content)
- Content can be general (Orion Protocol in 300 words) or feature specific (explaining staking, arbitrage, etc)
- Tasks can be on-going or time specific, and will vary in format (memes, articles, videos, infographics, etc)
- Some tasks will accept multiple submissions per person, others will accept only one
- You’ll be rewarded for each task
- The reward will vary depending on the level of work required and will include points, reputation, and/or ORN tokens
- Rewards are separated into workdrops and taskdrops
- Work drop occur bi-weekly
- Task drops occur for single, specific tasks
Orion Protocol launches social mining initiative ORION HUB: enabling holders to earn ORN rewards based on activity. ORION HUB is now live, a community accelerator that enables Orion Protocol supporters and ORN holders to earn rewards for their contributions to the project.
Activity Type
When Reward:
Event Status