The Graph's Mission Control Testnet
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Reward pool
up to 3% of total GRT supply
Expected profit
Not set
Max participants
No limit
DropsEarn score
Very High
Hard, Low Risks
How to participate
If you’re interested in participating in the testnet, please fill out the registration form. Once this is complete, The Graph team will be in touch to share more details about each phase and to gather the required documentation to participate. Testnet participants will be collaborating with The Graph team to learn as much as possible about operating successfully in the network. We expect validator teams to communicate with us throughout the testnet, including but not limited to:
- Joining The Graph Discord channel: https://thegraph.com/discord
- Sharing logs, DevOps metrics and other testnet data
- Providing qualitative and quantitative feedback about the protocol, products (eg. subgraphs, explorer dApp) and Graph ecosystem
- Email updates from The Graph team
- Workshops and AMAs by The Graph engineering team
All node operators will also be required to sign an Indexer Agreement to participate in the testnet and be eligible for rewards.
More details
Why participate?
How it Works
The Graph Network will be operated by Indexers and Curators who provide services and stake the native Graph Token (GRT) on their work.
Indexers operate nodes and stake GRT to index blockchain data and process queries for applications. They receive query fees and issuance rewards in return for their services, and can also be delegated to by other users.
Query market
Indexers compete to provide the best service at the lowest price. They choose which subgraphs to index and are able to set prices based on their cost of indexing, supply, and demand.
Curators are users who stake GRT on subgraphs to signal to Indexers which subgraphs are high-quality and should be indexed. They receive a portion of the subgraph's query fees in return for their services.
What to Expect
Each phase of Mission Control will have technical missions. Performance in these missions, bounties and qualitative contributions to the testnet will be assessed to decide scoring and final incentives.
Testnet Incentives
Rewards and grants will be awarded to top teams in Mission Control. Rewards will be allocated based on performance and collaboration throughout the testnet, including quantitative and qualitative factors like query volume, profit maximization, data sharing and feedback. The Graph will be providing up to 3% of the total GRT supply towards rewarding contributors. A separate Bounty Program for reporting vulnerabilities in The Graph Network will also start later in the testnet.
Note: These rules are illustrative and other rules may be added. All participants will be required to sign an Indexer Agreement to participate in the testnet.
Report Bugs
Do not exploit bugs in the code to gain advantage, report them through the separate Bug Bounty.
Don't Hack
No hacking or social engineering of other node operators.
Share Modifications
Ensure modifications to default agents are shared with The Graph team.
Document Data
Log testnet data and share with The Graph team to improve network learnings.
Complete Missions
Node operators must participate in the testnet and meet mission requirements to earn rewards. Late participants will earn fewer rewards.
Technical Requirements
Indexers will need to run servers and databases to run a Graph Node and participate. Node operators should be prepared (but are not required) to support ~5M queries per day throughout the testnet.
Prerequisites for participating in the testnet include:
- Servers for running Rust binaries on Linux
- Basic: use cloud service provider (eg. Google Cloud, AWS)
- Full: set up server hardware and/or data center
- Ethereum node (deployed by operator or by node service provider)
- IPFS node
- PostgreSQL
- Kubernetes or preferred container orchestration framework
Be prepared for penetration and vulnerability testing for cloud service providers and data centers:
- Check with your cloud service provider to see if they require submission and approval for vulnerability and penetration testing. Example of AWS submission.
- Check with your data-center provider if they require a vulnerability and penetration testing disclosure.
We are excited to work with the best node operators in the Web3 space to test The Graph Network and help participants contribute to The Graph’s mission and ecosystem. Please reach out to The Graph team if you have any further questions about the testnet.
Today Mission Control is launched, The Graph’s incentivized testnet. Mission Control is a competition where Indexers can operate nodes, complete missions and contribute to improving The Graph Network ahead of mainnet launch. Over 15 node operators, including Figment, Staking Facilities, Certus One, Staked, Chorus One and Bloq, have already entered the mission control center by pre-registering for the testnet.
Activity Type
from 27 Jul 2020 18:00(UTC+3)
When Reward:
GRT rewards will be locked up for 12 month after mainnet launch
Event Status