Market-Maker Trading Contest
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Reward pool
equal in Points
Expected profit
from $5
equal in Points
Max participants
No limit
DropsEarn score
Normal, Low Risks
Detailed information
This contest will be included Spot, BTC-margin &USDT-margrin perpetual contract, delivery perpetual contract arena. Every arena will have 2 independent prize pool of 20,000 Points. The total prize pool is $160,000 Points.
- Pool A will be distributed to the top 20 teams according to the team's score of their performance (details as below).
- Pool B will be distributed to the top 20 teams according to the team's trading volume.
Also, the top 3 teams in every pool A will also enjoy a premium VIP level reward. Spot, details as follows:
Rules of Prize Pool A:
The host will take random snapshots of every minute from 08:00:00-07:59:59 the next day. 2 parameters as below should be maintained both for getting your score in every minute.
Average Spread= (Your Best Ask-Your Best Bid)/[(Best Ask + Best Bid)/2] < the required spread
Min (total buy orders within spread, total sell orders within spread)> min required order size
Daily Composite MM score=∑(Single pair score*Pair Weight)/Numbers of participating pairs + Numbers of qualified pairs*0.1
Rules of Prize Pool B:
Prize Pool B will be rank according to their trading volume, and all trading volumes will be converted into USDT at the closing price of the day on the
- Participating in 8 prize pools at the same time is allowed.
- If the user's award level is the same as the original VIP level, 60 days will be added to the original basis.
- For API related issues, please email us via [email protected].
- Points can be used for the deduction of the trading fee; 1 Points= $1 value of the trading fee. Points are non-transferable.
- If the number of teams in a certain prize pool is no more than 10, a single team's award is no more than 5,000 points.
- The winner's team can convert the point card into equivalent GT at a discount of 80% as needed;
- reserves the right of interpretation of the contest.
For premium services and better liquidity, is now launching the Market Maker Trading Contest for a chance to win $160,000 Points. In the meantime, is also starting to recruit market makers from all over the world and sincerely welcome all talented trading strategy teams to join them.
28 Jan 2021 11:00(UTC+3) - 27 Feb 2021 11:00(UTC+3)