Free TON Launch Program - DropsEarn
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Free TON Launch Program

Free TON Launch Program

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Reward pool

No limit

TON Crystal token

Expected profit

200,000 TON Crystal

TON Crystal token

Max participants


DropsEarn score


Easy, Low Risks

How To

  1. Fill out and submit the following form from the link - Here
  2. Choose the appropriate role for yourself and expect further announcements from the developers.

Additional Information:

TON is a protocol proposed and developed by Dr. Nikolai Durov. We, the Free TON Developers are grateful for Nikolai’s contribution to the TON protocol and wish him to continue developing it as part of a wider community effort. Since we believe in freedom of speech, in information sharing, and in free software, we have decided to give the power back to the community and unanimously proclaim the launch of the Free TON blockchain and the Free TON Crystal (or TON for short) as its native token.

Initial Members of Free TON signing of this Declaration and Addendum Forms before the Public Announcement of Free TON Declaration of Decentralization. Closing period of 1 (one) week following the Announcement allowing additional parties to sign this Declaration and individual Addendum Forms, all addendum published on the website during this week are binding to all members who didn’t object until final closing. Final closing occurs at the Launch.


The network launch roadmap will be divided into three stages to accommodate for network launch, development of necessary software and relationships, improving security, distributing rewards, etc.

Stage I ”Raging Bull” — Incentivized Beta Network with a Decentralized Time Bomb (DTB)

Stage II ”Rumble Fish” — Incentivized Beta Network with validator voting for Network Configuration

Stage III “Fight Club” — Decentralized Main Network, at the point where decentralization is sufficiently achieved


Free Ton launches registration for the next series of contests, bounties and events. It will be launched in several stages in order to ensure the protocol's development and its mass adoption. For further participation in upcoming events, it is necessary to fill out a form and sign a declaration.

Activity Type




from 8 May 2020 12:00(UTC+3)



When Reward:


Event Status

You can't participate(Event ended)