Automata Bug Bounty Program - DropsEarn
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Automata Bug Bounty Program

Automata Bug Bounty Program

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Reward pool

Not set


Expected profit

up to $10,000

equal in USDT, ATA

Max participants

No limit

DropsEarn score


Normal, Low Risks


  1. Find: Discover bugs across Automata's product stack, middleware services, or network infrastructure
  2. Submit: Include a Proof-of-Concept and specific steps to reproduce your findings in a detailed report
  3. Earn: We will reach out upon receiving a valid submission. Rewards are distributed based on the impact and severity of the bug.


Submit your report to All submissions will be vetted by the Automata team

  • Explain the vulnerability in detail: Provide as much information as possible, with clear, reproducible steps or a working Proof-of-Concept. Reports that provide suggestions on how to fix the vulnerability may also be considered for increased bounty rewards. 
  • Responsible disclosure of bugs: Do not disclose the bug publicly until a fix has been found, and refrain from sharing details with any other party. Exposing a vulnerability before remediation can cause irreparable harm to Automata Network and our community.
  • Do no harm: Make every effort not to compromise or disrupt any of Automata’s products, services or network infrastructure. Avoid privacy or data violations and do not exploit the vulnerability for profit outside of Automata’s Bug Bounty Program.
  • Early bird gets the worm: Reward goes to the first (valid) report in the case of duplicate reports received.  Submit only one vulnerability per report unless there is a need to provide relevance or impact. 




Be rewarded for keeping the project safe. Help to reduce the surface area for attacks on the protocol protecting fairness and privacy. And earn bounties while you are at it.

Activity Type

Bug bounty




from 9 Nov 2022 16:26(UTC+3)



When Reward:


Event Status

You can participate(Event started, Registration open)