ATOM Memes Campaign 2021
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Reward pool
1305 ATOM
Expected profit
$40 - 200
from 2 ATOM
Max participants
Winners Total
DropsEarn score
Easy, Low Risks
Event Details
Duration: 3 months (Split into 3 stages ie. 1 month each)
Start date:
Stage 1: 22nd of March-22nd of April (12:00 CET)
Stage 2: 22nd of April-22nd of May (12:00 CET)
Stage 3: 22nd of May-22nd of June (12:00 CET)
Rewards: 1305 ATOM ($27000) each campaign. Total 3915 ATOM ($81000)
Winners: 10 winners per day (Total 300 per campaign stage)
Distribution: Direct payment to 300 winners at the end of each campaign/month via @cosmostipbot
Each day the top 10 entries on Twitter will be tracked in the google spreadsheet. These 10 winning entries will be selected based on total retweets, likes, comments, quality of the meme.
Prize rank (Month nr.1) - TOTAL ATOM 1305
Top 20-40 = 8 ATOM each (160 ATOM total)
Top 40-60 = 7.5 ATOM each (150 ATOM total)
Top 60-80 = 6 ATOM each (120 ATOM total)
Top 80-100 = 5 ATOM each (100 ATOM total)
Top 100-150 = 3.75 ATOM each (187 ATOM total)
Top 150-200 = 3 ATOM each (150 ATOM total)
Top 200-250 = 2.75 ATOM each (137.5 ATOM total)
Top 250-300 = 2 ATOM each (100 ATOM total)
- Post a meme on Twitter (Theme: ATOM)
- Below the post have the following hashtags and cashtags $ATOM #blockchain #COSMOS #crypto #altseason #meme
- Join https://t.me/ATOMCosmonauts + post your tweet in the group 1 time
- Spamming/flooding the Telegram chat will get you banned & disqualified without notice. Post each Twitter entry there only 1 time.
A valid entry must use the following hashtags to qualify: $ATOM #blockchain #COSMOS #crypto #altseason #meme. If an entry does not add the above cashtag and hashtags the entry is not valid for the competition
Winner selection criteria:
- Valid entry (Hashtags)
- Amount of Retweets
- Amount of Likes
- Number of comments
- Quality of the meme
Important info - Each person can only submit 2 entries per day
Share your Cosmos Memes and win ATOM rewards.
Activity Type
22 Mar 2021 12:00(UTC+3) - 22 Jun 2021 12:00(UTC+3)
When Reward:
Event Status