Radix Bounty Program
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Reward pool
equal in XRD
Expected profit
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Max participants
No limit
DropsEarn score
Normal, Low Risks
General Rules
- Every Participant Must Join Radix DLT Telegram Bounty Group.
- Do not ask bounty related questions on the main chat. This may cause you to ban from the bounty campaign.
- Every Participant Must do KYC filling this form.
- Stakes will be calculated weekly.
- Bounty campaign will start on 24.07.2020 and will end on 16.10.2020. Tokens will be transferred to your ERC-20 wallet 1 year after post initial listing date.
- This Project retains the right to adjust rules at will and to disqualify any participant at will.
- When the bounty ends, you will have 14 days for any questions/complaints.
- Any Participant found cheating will be automatically disqualified.
Event Details
Facebook Campaign($10,000 Radix Token)
- Facebook account must be legitimate. No fake, inactive, or bot accounts allowed.
- Account must be at least 3 months old.
- You must have a minimum of 250 friends.
- Participant must like and share posts made on the official Facebook Page.
- Account/Group must be a public profile and all posts shared must be public.
- Participant's shared posts must be public.
- Shared posts must not be older than 7days.
- Don't create a new post for further weeks, just edit the previous week submission and save.
- Do not ask bounty related questions on the main chat. This may cause you to ban from the bounty campaign.
Stakes: Weekly 2 stakes
Registration Form
Twitter Campaign($15,000 Radix Tokens)
- Your account must be public and follow the official twitter account: Radix DLT Twitter.
- Participant must like and RT the tweets made on the official Twitter account.
- You must tweet at least 1 time(per week) about Radix DLT and use hashtags #DEFI #RadixDLT #blockchain #cryptocurrency.
- You need to have at least 100 real followers.
- Your audit evaluation must be more than 80%.
- Account must be at least, 3 months old.
- Retweets must not be older than 7days.
- Don't create a new post for further weeks, just edit the previous week submission and post it.
- Do not ask bounty related questions on the main chat. This may cause you to ban from the bounty campaign.
Stakes: Weekly 2 stakes
Registration Form
Youtube Campaign($10,000 Radix Tokens)
- Subscribe to our channel here Youtube Channel.
- Video about Radix DLT should be a minimum of 2 mins.
- Videos should be original and high quality.
- Videos should be in English, Chinese, Korean, Russian and Spanish.
- Approval Rights are reserved with Radix DLT team.
- You must have at least 100 subscribers on youtube.
- Any video without a human voice won't be accepted.
- Your video must have a “Radix DLT” tag and the link to https://www.radixdlt.com/
- Your ERC20 wallet address must be added in description to prove ownership.
- Note: Only 2 videos are allowed.
- You can not delete your videos, it’ll lead to disqualification.
- You will be able to get 1, 3, 5, 7, or 10 stake(s) depending on views, comments, quality.
- Do not ask bounty related questions on the main chat. This may cause you to ban from the bounty campaign.
Article Campaign($15,000 Radix DLT Tokens)
- Write and publish positive blogs, articles, news about Radix DLT.
- Make sure the content is not copied from anywhere.
- The website or blog must have a genuine audience. Newly created websites or blogs will not be accepted.
- The content must be of good quality and it must be more than 500 words.
- Article/review/blog post must contain the following links:
- Radix DLT Website: https://www.radixdlt.com/
- Radix DLT Medium Page: https://medium.com/@radixdlt
- Radix DLT Official Telegram: https://t.me/radix_dlt
- Radix DLT Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/RadixDLT
- Only 2 articles are allowed.
- You can not delete your Article. It’ll lead to disqualification.
- Your ERC20 wallet address must be added in description to prove ownership.
- You will be able to get 1, 3, 5, 7, or 10 stake(s) depending on views, comments, quality.
- Do not ask bounty related questions on the main chat. This may cause you to ban from the bounty campaign.
Reddit Campaign ($5,000 Radix Tokens)
- Follow Our Official user at Reddit
- Your Reddit profile must have at least 10 karma points. Make positive posts/comments about Radix DLT (30+ characters long, constructive). Useless posts/comments will be deleted without rewards.
- For a post to be counted, it needs to be posted in one of the cryptocurrency-related subreddits like: r/bitcoin, r/icocrypto, r/cryptocurrency r/blockchain and so on.
- Make a minimum of 5 QUALITY posts or comments and a maximum of 7 posts or comments per week.
- Your post must speak positively about Radix DLT.
- Subreddits must have more than 500 subscribers.
- You cannot delete your comments while the campaign is active. Any deleted post or comment by the Reddit bots, won't be counted.
- Posts and Comments must be constructive and on-topic. Spam, low-quality posts, copypaste, and off-topic posts are strictly prohibited. Users found doing so will be immediately and permanently disqualified from all bounty activities.
- Do not ask bounty related questions on the main chat. This may cause you to ban from the bounty campaign.
Stakes: Weekly 2 stakes
Registration Form
Signature Campaign($30,000 Radix Tokens)
- Participants in campaign have to be at least a Full Member to wear our signature.
- Minimum 14 constructive posts per week.
- All languages are accepted.
- Wear the signature and wait for the confirmation to start.
- Removing of signature /leaving the campaign while it is still running will result for you disqualifiction and removal of stakes
- Low quality post or burst posting ( Posting 10 posts above a single day) will not receive stake.
- Using multi accounts,cheating and spamming are not allowed. It will result getting all of your accounts permanently banned from all my campaigns.
- Post on Bounty, Off-topic, Gambling and any Tipster Thread will not be counted.
- Do not ask bounty related questions on the main chat. This may cause you to ban from the bounty campaign.
Weekly Rewards:
- Full Member: 1 stake per week (+0.25 stake for avatar, text)
- Senior Member: 1,5 stakes per week (+0,25 stake for avatar, text)
- Hero Member: 2 stakes per week (+0,25 stake for avatar, text)
- Legendary: 2,5 stakes per week (+0,25 stake for avatar, text)
Avatar & Signature Codes
Registration Form
Translation Campaign ($5,000 Radix Tokens)
- Use of Google Translate along with other online translators not allowed.
- Anyone found using Google Translate will be instantly disqualified without any reward.
- Participants must translate both Consensus WP and Economics WP.
- One applicant can only apply for One language translation.
- Participants must register first by filling the form. Accepted translator will get a pm from the bounty manager.
- Only Accepted translator's work will be considered for the reward.
- Accepted translators have 4 weeks to complete the translation.
- Do not ask bounty related questions on the main chat. This may cause you to ban from the bounty campaign.
Telegram Campaign ($10,000 Radix Tokens)
- Join our Telegram group.
- Stay in the group until the end of the bounty campaign.
- Do not ask bounty related questions on the main chat. This may cause you to ban from the bounty campaign.
Radix This bounty campaign will last for 12 WEEKS. The total of the Bounty bonus to be paid to the participants is $100K worth of RADIX Token. Bounty tokens will be distributed 1 year after post initial listing date.
Activity Type
24 Jul 2020 12:00(UTC+3) - 16 Oct 2020 12:00(UTC+3)
When Reward:
Tokens will be transferred to your ERC-20 wallet 1 year after post initial listing date.
Event Status